Why is My Dog Shaking in Centennial, CO?

As a pet owner, it can be a worrying experience when you notice your dog shaking or trembling. It can be difficult to determine what could be causing this behavior. To better understand why your dog may be shaking, it is important to first define what shaking is and then consider the different potential causes.

Your dog may be shaking due to fear, stress, excitement, pain, or cold temperatures. If the shaking is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult your veterinarian to ensure your pet is not experiencing an underlying medical condition.

If you’ve ever seen your dog trembling nervously, you may have wondered why they do this. While there are many reasons why your pup may be shaking, understanding the cause can help you to provide the comfort and care they need. Read on to learn more about why your four-legged friend might be shaking and how you can help.

Definition of “Shaking”

Shaking in a dog is an involuntary, reflexive action that can be caused by excitement, fear, pain, or even a medical issue. It usually involves rapid, jerky movements of the head, neck, and body, or a trembling of all four limbs. In some cases, the shaking is accompanied by panting, whining, or other signs of anxiety or distress.

Whether or not the shaking is a sign of a problem depends on the context and other symptoms. If your dog is shaking, it’s important to observe the situation and consult a veterinarian if the behavior persists.

Why is My Dog Shaking in Centennial, CO?

Overview of Potential Causes

Dogs can shake for a variety of reasons, including fear, anxiety, excitement, pain, and cold temperatures. Fear-related shaking may be caused by loud noises, new people or animals, or a stressful situation. Anxiety can stem from a lack of exercise or boredom.

Excitement can cause shaking if the dog is overly eager to receive attention or a treat. Pain can cause dogs to shake, particularly when the source of the pain is unknown. Lastly, if a dog is cold, it may shake in an effort to warm up its body.


Anxiety can be a cause of a dog shaking. It can be caused by fear, stress, or even excitement. These feelings can cause a dog to shake and pant, and may also lead to other physical symptoms such as whining, drooling, and trembling.

Fear of New People or Environment

It is very common for dogs to shake due to fear of new people or the environment. A sudden change in environment, loud noises, or the presence of strangers can all cause the dog to shake due to fear.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs can cause them to shake due to fear, stress, and confusion. This shaking can be accompanied by other signs of distress such as barking, pacing, and destructive behavior.


Dogs may shake due to pain caused by injury, illness, or stress. If a dog is shaking due to pain, it is important to seek medical attention from a veterinarian to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.


An injury can cause a dog to shake due to pain or fear. If a dog has experienced a traumatic event or has been hurt, it is natural for them to shake until the injury is healed. If a dog continues to shake, it is important to take them to the vet to make sure the injury is properly treated.


It is possible for a dog to shake due to illness, as it can be a sign of pain, discomfort, or distress. If a dog is shaking, it is important to take them to the vet to determine the cause and ensure its health and safety.

Old Age

Old age can cause a dog to shake due to a decline in muscle mass, reduced nerve control, and underlying health conditions.


Stress can be a major factor in why dogs shake. It can be caused by something as simple as a loud noise or an unfamiliar environment, but it can also be caused by something more serious, such as an underlying medical condition or abuse.

dog shaking in centennial, co

Change in Routine

Change in routine can cause a dog to become anxious and can manifest in physical symptoms like shaking. When introducing new activities into a dog’s routine, it is important to do so gradually to help the dog adjust and remain calm.

Change in Diet

A change in diet can cause a dog to shake if its body is not used to the new food. If the dog is not getting the necessary nutrients or vitamins it needs, it can cause them to be restless or shake.

Cold Temperature

When temperatures drop, dogs can start to shake due to the cold. To keep your pup comfortable and warm, make sure they have plenty of room in a warm shelter and a warm blanket.

Too Cold of Environment

A cold environment can cause a dog to shake as it is their natural response to regulating their body temperature. If a dog is exposed to extreme cold, it may start to shiver and shake in an attempt to conserve heat and stay warm.

Stress from Cold Weather

Cold weather can cause stress in dogs, leading to shaking. This is especially true for breeds with thin fur or those who are not used to cool temperatures. Shivering can help warm up their bodies but it can also be a sign of anxiety.

Final Notes

The answer to why your dog is shaking could be due to a number of reasons. It could be because of fear, excitement, pain, cold, or even neurological issues. If your dog is shaking for an extended period of time or is showing other signs of distress, it’s best to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to determine the cause of the shaking and provide the best treatment plan for your pup. With proper care and attention, you can help your dog feel better and avoid any further issues.

If you have any questions regarding your dog shaking, call our veterinarian at (303) 850-9393 or Make an Appointment online!

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