Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds in Centennial, CO
So you really love dogs, and have always wanted one, but do you suffer from sneezing fits and allergy attacks whenever you’re around one? Believe it or not, as much as 10% of the US population is allergic to dogs, and it’s the dander, which is attached to pet hair, that causes most pet allergies in humans.
Although there’s no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog, there are several breeds that have non-shedding coats that produce less dander. Your allergies don’t have to exclude you from dog ownership, and some of the most popular dog breeds are hypoallergenic, and are less likely to stimulate allergies in people. It’s also important to note that not all dogs produce the same kind of dander and proteins that trigger allergic reactions in people, so it really depends on the dog and the person. Read our list of hypoallergenic dogs. If you have any questions, call Festival Animal Clinic in Centennial at (303) 850–9393.
Characteristics of Hypoallergenic Dogs
If you’re looking for a dog to minimize the potential for an allergic reaction, you’ll probably want to consider hypoallergenic dog breeds.
Many hypoallergenic dog breeds tend to have the following characteristics:
- Short hair. Dogs that have short, single-layered coats produce less dander.
- They don’t shed. Breeds that tend not to shed produce less dander.
- No or little hair. Hairless breeds don’t have hair, so they don’t produce dander.
Hypoallergenic dogs produce less dander than other breeds, and if you have a dog with a double-coat, thick fur, and sheds a lot, you’re more likely to have dander floating around, meaning greater chances for an allergic reaction.
The Best Hypoallergenic Dogs for Allergy Sufferers
Like many of the wiry-haired dogs on this list, Affenpinschers are great for allergy sufferers because their coats are low-maintenance. Their wiry coats grow slowly and they don’t shed a lot.
Afghan Hound
Although Afghan Hounds appear to be very hairy, their long coats actually don’t shed very much. However, because of their long hair, this breed does require some grooming, but it can be a great option for those with allergies.
American Hairless Terrier
This breed sheds very little or not at all, so that makes it’s an excellent hypoallergenic breed. However, since these dogs lack hair, they can be prone to sunburn and skin issues.
These dogs have short coats, require little grooming, and they don’t shed very much. This breed likes to spend time grooming itself, gives off no doggy odors, and produces limited dander, making it a good choice for a hypoallergenic dog.
Bedlington Terrier
These dogs have curly coats that are soft and wiry, and they don’t shed very much. However, their coats grow quickly and require regular grooming.
Bichon Frise
As a hypoallergenic breed, bichons shed very little, but when they do shed, the hair is caught up in their undercoat. Bichons do need to be brushed and groomed, but they are a good breed for allergy sufferers.
Chinese Crested
Similar to the American Hairless Terrier, Chinese Cresteds come in both a hairless and coated variety (called Powderpuffs). As you might expect, these hairless dogs don’t shed, and even the coated varieties shed very little.
Coton de Tulears
Coton de Tulears shed very little, and require minimal grooming, especially if their coats are kept short.
Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzers are big dogs who make great companions, and as far as allergies go, these dogs don’t shed a lot. For allergy sufferers, dander can be controlled by regular grooming and brushing.
The Havanese dog is a small, non-shedding breed, and is considered to be a good hypoallergenic dog. However, these dogs tend to have long hair, it’s important to brush and groom them regularly.
Irish Water Spaniel
These dogs are one of the largest hypoallergenic dogs, and they have curly coats. They do tend to shed during certain seasons, but their coats are relatively hypoallergenic. Due to the nature of their curly coats, they do need regular brushing and grooming.
Kerry Blue Terrier
These dogs are also minimal shedders, but they do require regular brushing and grooming. Of all of the hypoallergenic dogs out there, Kerry Blues are also one of the larger breeds, making them good working dogs and watchdogs.
Lagotto Romagnolo
These dogs have thick, curled hair with a double hair coat. Lagottos shed very minimally, but they do need regular brushing and grooming to avoid matting. If you’re an allergy sufferer looking for an adorable dog a lot of energy, the Lagotto Romagnolo might be the breed for you.
These dogs are one of the smaller hypoallergenic dogs, and like Bichons and Coton de Tulears, they are known for their white coats. These dogs are low-shedding, but will need regular brushing and grooming.
Miniature Schnauzer
Like the Giant Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzers shed very little, even though they have double coat. However, brushing and grooming are important in this breed.
Peruvian Inca Orchid (Hairless)
This breed can be hairless or coated, and comes in small, medium and large varieties. The hairless variety does well with allergy sufferers, and obviously has minimal grooming needs.
The Poodle continues to make the top 10 of the AKCs list of most popular dogs breeds. Poodles come in a variety of sizes, including Standard, Miniature, and Toy. Poodles tend to shed very little and many owners choose to keep their coats cut simply and short to make coat care easier. Regular brushing is recommended for poodles with longer hair coats. Poodles are one of the most common and popular hypoallergenic dogs.
Portuguese Water Dog
Made famous by former White House dogs Sunny and Bo, the Portuguese Water Dog is smart, athletic, and loves water. These medium-sized dogs are easily trainable, and have curly coats. Although their coats are hypoallergenic, their hair is typically thick and will shed seasonally, so regular grooming is important.
Spanish Water Dog
The Spanish Water Dog is an athletic, energetic breed that does best with an active owners. They require little grooming for their curly, wooly coats, and typically no brushing is needed.
The Xoloitzcuintli is a smaller breed that comes in several sizes. They also come in two varieties hairless and coated. The hairless has a smooth, tough, protective skin and the coated variety has a short, flat coat. All in all, this breed has moderate exercise and grooming needs.
Still Have Questions About Hypoallergenic Dogs?
If you have questions about hypoallergenic dog breeds, please contact our animal hospital in Centennial, CO at (303) 850-9393.